Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Black and white Photography

Shooting Black and White

  • One of the ways to guide the viewer's gaze to the center of interest is to have a dramatic difference between dark and light tones. Therein lies your contrast. Seeing in black and white implies choosing simple subjects, clear negative spaces.

What is the best aperature for Black and White?

The aperature will vary. Try using a small f-number. When shooting in manual try using f/4 to f/5.6. That means you'll need to be pretty close to wide-open and pretty close to your subject to get a shallow depth of field (sharp subject, blurry background).

ISO:  Usually ISO 800, 1600  Remember, the higher the ISO the stronger the noise and grain.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Week of Oct 15-19

 This week you should be working on:

  • Any unfinished  work
  • Day in the Life video
  • 5 fall shots
  • Black and White Photography

Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Black and White Photography 20 photos in a slideshow set to music

Focus of Black and White Photography is on CONTRAST 

( Below are links for you to check out)

Black and White Photography

Black & White Images

Tips to improve black and white photography

Take a look at the work of Ansel Adams

Monday, October 7, 2024

Week of Oct7-11

 When working on your Day in the Life videos, do not go any longer than 10 sec per shot unless you are doing a time lapse or a sped up shot. Keep your transitions simple, probably a fade in or out. Do not walk with the camera, it usually does not look good. If you are panning with the camera, do it very slow. You will get 5 marks for  brainstorming, 10 marks for rough story board and 25 marks for the final video. It will be due: TUES OCT 22 and presented in class.


Day in the Life Video: You are to video and edit a day in your life and set it to music. Likely you will need to shoot on more than one day and make it look like it was all in one day.

Keep your shots short, 3-5 sec.( maximum 10 sec) and make sure they are sequenced properly. The video should be no less than 1min in length and no more than 2 min in length. Make sure your shots are in focus, shot from various angles, and well composed. You should be choosing a song to put with your day in the life video. Do not forget you are trying to tell a story of your day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 We will star with Brainstorming ideas for Your Day in the Life Video

Friday, September 27, 2024

Week of Oct 1

 1. Purpose/How to use a tripod.

 2. How to use the digital SLR cameras to shoot video

 3. video assignment #1 Using manual focus on the digital slr cameras...5 second clip

Complete 5 sec video clips of each of the following

  • opening a door and entering
  • blurry to clear
  • clear to blurry
  • focus on upclose subject
  • focus on background subject
4. Introduction of Day in the Life video

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Thurs Sept 25


Weekly Shooting Assignment

This assignment is to be shot using the digital SLR cameras. You are going to shoot on a theme. Make sure these photos are edited. (20 marks) Due next Friday at the end of next week. Label as CONCEPTUAL in a folder.

  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (3 shots)
  2. High school life ( 3 shots)
  3. Blue  (2 shots)
  4. Ready, set, action (2 shots)

However you choose to interpret these prompts is up to you, but be prepared to back up your concept. Make sure you follow the rules of composition and have a focal point in each photo.