Friday, December 13, 2024

Open up one of your fall photos into Photoshop from the mdrive.

Resize to as close to 8x10 inches as possible

Bring in a photo of a clown from google, make sure it is a larger photo.

Resize as close to 8x10 inches as possible

Turn that photo into black and white.

Select only the image of the clown not the background and put it into your first photo.

Move the clown to the bottom right hand corner

Make sure it is slightly tilted in the corner ( hint you need to use transform rotate)

Now change the opacity to between 60-80 percent, make sure we can still see the clown image

Type the word clown onto the clown image

Save it as a jpeg on the mdrive under TEST

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Practice Quiz

Open up one of your photos into Photoshop from the mdrive.

Resize to 8x10 inches

Turn that photo into black and white.

Bring in a photo from google.

Resize to 8x10 inches

Select the photo and put it into your first photo.

Transform it so the image is smaller and inside your first image

Type a word onto the image

Save it as a jpeg on the mdrive under practice test.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

 Photo Assignments due Before Christmas
  • Black and White slideshow
  • Fall Shots
  • Donut ad
  • Product shots and 2 ads
  • How to Video including storyboard
  • 2 Dream photos including write ups
  • 10 Light photos in a slideshow : Thurs Dec 19
  • Photoshop Quiz : Practice Quiz Thursday Dec 12 Quiz on Friday
  • Von Wong photographer question sheet
If you are finished everything, you can also begin working on Beauty in a minute video 45-60 sec or a choice video project.
  • Also if finished you could work on macro candy shots 5 shots nicely composed and edited, and 5 lego shots. The idea is to put the lego characters into a scene and make it look real.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Friday Nov 29

After watching the film on a nature/travel photographer. Please continue working on assignments that need to be completed. Our photoshop test will be late next week. But your How to videos are due with no exceptions Tues for viewing in class. You will lose 10 marks for presentation if they are not ready.

Reminder: Career day sheets from yesterday need to be handed in.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong

Reminder Photoshop Quiz coming soon. Know how to size, turn to black and white, type text onto an image, use the opacity tool and bring in an image from google, print. 


 Award-winning artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong edits behind-the-scenes videos with Adobe Premiere Pro: a glimpse into his photo shoots. For award-winning artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong, it’s the people and the process that shape his work, with technology merely playing a supporting role.

“The process of living life and solving problems is often more interesting than a final product,” says Von Wong. “In a world where content is abundant, context is important because it creates a shared sense of humanity.”

Von Wong’s photography and activism focuses largely on environmental and sustainability issues such the impacts of ocean plastics, fast fashion, and electronic waste. “Art is a tool that can close the gap between the heart and the mind and make us better people,” he says. “I don’t create for myself. I create to accomplish something in service to others.”