Monday, December 18, 2017

Light Photography Assignment

Here are some helpful bits of information to help you with Light Photography. you need to take 5 really good shots. You may need to do some editing in Photoshop.

SETTINGS   Light Painting Video

How to light paint article
  1. You need to have your lens and camera set into manual mode
  2. Your iso should be set to low ( l00), F stop is good around F8 but this can be experimented with. You want to open your shutter for a longer period of time in order to allow more light to come in.
  3. And you can experiment with the length of time you want to keep the shutter open. On some cameras changing the setting to bulb mode will help.

I love this guy's tutorials on you tube he is very knowledgeable and easy to understand. He has a number of creative tutorials, you should check him out.

light painting sample

video on how to do ball of light
This guy provides really great/easy to follow videos on trick photography

Term 2 Assignments List

Here is a list so far of all of the term 2 assignments.

List of shots for video - 10 marks
Magazine cover - 15 marks
Macros presentation - 10 marks
macros -20 marks
video presentation 5 marks
light photography - 10 marks
layered photoshop piece/gel transfer - 10 marks
Instagram response -10 marks
studio skills - 10 marks
There may be a video worksheet worth 10 marks

Total 150

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New Assignments

Date due: Tues Dec 12
Magazine Cover Assignment: (marks 20) 

The magazine cover requires you to take a vertical photo that is at a very high quality, and using photoshop you are to create the cover of a magazine. You should include: a bar code, the title of the magazine in the proper font, article titles etc. I should be able to look at the cover of your magazine and think it is a real magazine. You should print out and also add to Flickr.

OPTION:CD cover: The idea of this assignment is to duplicate an actual CD cover as close as possible using your own model and Photoshop skills. See example below. The real cover is on the left. Strangely, the boy on the right looks a lot like the actual recording artist.

Photo by: Cassie Fisher

Friday, November 17, 2017

Term #2 New Assignment : MACROS

Photo by Kody Dishelvoy
Macros/Close-up shots: For this assignment you are to get close up and see things from a different perspective. You need to look at the ordinary in an an extraordinary way. Make sure are using manual settings so that you can be in control of the clarity of your shots. Lighting and contrasting backgrounds will be important for getting good shots. You should be aware that you are working with an 18-55 mm lens so the camera will only let you go 18 mm from your subject.

 Refer to the following links on how to shoot good close ups.

Read this tip on Macros
How to get stunning macros with your phone camera
Macros lens hacks for your phone

Criteria: You are expected to complete 20 shots with a good variety of shots. I do not want to see 20 leaf and flowers shots. "A close up shot of an object." You must have a focal point, your photos must be in focus, have a clean background, use light appropriately and photos must be taken of interesting subject matter. You need to think about how you want to compose the shot. Try to get shots that are creative and different. You will post the 20 shots onto Flickr as well as create a slideshow to music.

DUE DATE Fri Dec. 8


Friday, November 3, 2017

Beauty in a Second Video Assignment

This assignment is due Tues Dec. 19

Assignment: "Beauty in a Second" video project  Please see sample assignment links to get an idea as to how this assignment should look. Essentially, you are to go out and shoot 60 1 second video clips (you may need shots to be up to 6 seconds to capture the video fully to allow for editing) and then compile to the specified piece of music in a movie program. The music is the same for all slideshows, however you can choose to not use the music that goes with the video. When watching the sample videos, music can be downloaded through iTunes mp3 convertor or bought from i-tunes. 
Criteria:Make sure you do not repeat shots and the shots capture a feeling or sense of beauty. You should leave yourself a significant amount of time for editing. You should have a title and your name on the video intro page.
Marks 50

 Please note: when shooting video, you still want your shots to be up close, shot using various angles, and capturing a feeling or essence of the beautiful moments in life. 
Make sure you DO NOT shoot vertical only horizontal.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Assignment List Term 1

Deadline: This is an absolute deadline. All work needs to be up on Flickr and/or handed in no later than Thursday  November 9.

Grade 11

Assignment #1: Slideshow (Done/not done on due date) 10 marks
Assignment #1: (on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Written composition assignment (handed in to Ms Chase) 10 marks
Assignment #2: RED (5 shots in an album) 10 marks
Edit #1 : Headswap or overlay ( Hand in or put on Flickr in an album) 10 marks
Assignment #2: Slideshow (Done or not done on due date) 10 marks
Assignment #3: Portraits ( on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Contest photo  ( on m drive in folder) 5 marks
Ad shoot ( 10 shots on Flickr in album) 20 marks)
Final ad (printed out and given to Ms Chase
 and on Flickr in the same album as the shoot pics) 10 marks
Studio skills ( assignments in on time, productive use of class time, proper use of equipment/return of equipment/participation in class critiques and discussions,paying attention during lessons, overall effort and quality of work) 25 marks

Total marks 150

Any grade 11's working on getting the grade 12 credit, need to have the following additional assignments done.

Slideshow: (Done/not done on due date) 10 marks
Themeshoot: (on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Website: ( bio, headshot and 2-3 collections of photos)
Edit #2: Using Photoshop, you are to create a conceptual piece of art from a photo you have taken...speak to Ms Chase about ideas for this edit. You should include at least 4-5 layers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Assignment #5: Look up magazine ads in magazines. You  are to find a product that someone would want to purchase. You will then shoot the product 10 different ways. ( Close-up, being used, staged with specialized background etc.) POST ALL 10 photos to Flickr and include your ad as well.
you will choose the best photo for your ad and create the ad including a tag line. The ad work is to be done on Photoshop. 20 marks

250 ad
by Adam Meyer

Gold ad 
by Adam Meyer

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday Photo Contest

Assignment #6 : Editing Assignment: Head swap for beginners, and Duplicate/Opacity change for 11's (Print off and hand in.)

Assignment #5: The 3 photo themes are:
  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  2. High school life
  3. Blue

You will have one class to shoot these 3 photos, upload and edit. You must enter at least one photo into this contest for a grade. Please title your work by the number of photo, your last name, first name. These should not be old photos, they should be shot today. You will get a mark out of 5 for this assignment and prizes will be awarded on Tues of next week. If you are absent, the assignment must still be done. The assignment should be saved on the m: drive under photo contest. Example: 1chaselisa or 2chaselisa or 3chaselisa

Grade 12 students, your theme shoot is due in slideshow format on TUES. of next week ( I have extended this by one day). Remember if you do not have the slideshow done, you will lose 10 marks.

Composition assignments are due today. If you do not get it in, you will lose marks for it being late, but you should still hand it in.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Upcoming Assignments

Assignment # 4 ( Portraits): marks 30
Slideshow due: Tues Oct 17 in class

Portraits:Working with a model or models of your choice, you should plan to set up a portrait shoot. You can have 20 shots of one model, or 10 of one and 10 of the other. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to : a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model.

This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Flickr, and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow for viewing. 


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop
  • shoot people in their element
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot

So maybe you can research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot,you can edit. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields. ) See details for this assignment below.

Links to Portrait Info:

Portrait tips

Mistakes to avoid when taking portraits

male portrait poses

teen portrait poses

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Composition Assignment

Read this link: 10 Questions to ask yourself before taking a photo

Assignment#3 Composition Assignment: ( Handed in) Students should find 5 photos on the internet that they think are an example of good photography, you should copy and paste into a word document and then comment on why you think the photos are exemplary. Try to consider all of the elements of composition when discussing your reasons. Please print out and hand into the teacher. This assignment will be marked out of 10.

Read this: Some interesting thoughts on Photography : disregard #35 always shoot in RAW, good if you are loading up to your computer at home, but our computers at school do not handle raw files. Remember to check your camera settings before heading out on a shoot.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Are you seeing red?

Assignment #2 : You are to take 5 photos focusing on the colour red. Only 2 photos can be edited red, the others should focus on red objects.  Make sure you incorporate the elements of composition.
( 10 marks) All 5 photos should be put onto Flickr in a folder called red. This assignment is due at the end of this week.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Welcome back Isfeld Photographers

This year in Photography we will be doing a number of different projects to further expand your skillset. If you have you own camera, it would be a great advantage to bring it to class when you can. if you need to borrow the school's cameras, then you must sign them out with me. The cameras must be returned the very next day since other students will need to use them during the day. The only requirement for the course is an sd card, but a card reader would also be very helpful.

Day #1 Introduction: Students set up a Flickr account and created a folder on the m drive to hold their photos for the year.

Day #2 A review of camera basics, elements of composition, and a good looking headshot for Flickr.

Assignment #1: After understanding the Elements of Composition, you are to shoot two photos for each of the following and upload to Flickr into an albulm entitled: Assignment #1. You should also complete a slideshow set to music for presentation.
Assignment value: 20 marks Slideshow: 10 marks
Criteria: assignment meets the outline, is well composed, crisp, and creative. The work should have basic editing only, cropping and lighting. You will have about a week to complete this assignment.


  • 2 black and white
  • 2 high angle shots
  • 2 reflection shots
  • 2 fill the frame
  • 2 choice creatives

Monday, June 19, 2017

All term 4 work is due Friday June 23

The following assignments are due the end of the week Friday June 23 1 pm, unless they are put onto Flickr. If putting onto Flickr you have until Sun noon.

  • 60 second of Beauty video 40 marks
  • Spring shots ( on Flickr) 5 shots, 10 marks
  • Portraits ( on Flickr if you did not do the slideshow) 30 marks
  • Gel transfer ( hand in ) 10 marks
  • Magazine cover ( hand in and on Flickr) 15 marks
  • Light Photos ( On Flickr 3 shots if you have been in Photo before/6 shots if you are new to photo 15 marks
  • Downtown Shoot ( on Flickr if you did not complete the slideshow) 20 marks...5 for on time slideshow)
  • Conceptual Photos: 3 photos with a description of what concept you are trying to communicate. Write this in the description when you upload your photos 30 marks
  • Work Habit mark 10 marks
Total 180 marks
Your term 3 mark will be averaged with your term 4 mark to give you your Final grade in this class.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Deadline for Gel Transfer and Magazine Cover

The deadline for the gel transfer and the Magazine cover is next Thursday June 1. The magazine cover should be printed out and shown to Ms Chase/marked and then put on the wall in the classroom. Please also post to Flickr. The Gel transfer should be shown to Ms Chase for marking.

You need to get working on your conceptual photos before too long, remember they are worth 30 marks!

Photo by: Cassie Fisher

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Downtown Shoot Friday June 9 9 am-1pm

Downtown shoot

  • portrait in front of graffiti
  • photo of item from Hot Chocolates
  • photo of a product from a store
  • photo of a store window
  • photo of a teapot
  • photo of a record album cover ( bop City Records)
  • something round
  • photo of a close up of vehicle
  • a reflection photo
  • photo of a food item
  • 10 other shots your choice
20 shots = 20 marks

Gel Transfer 10 marks

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Photopia Photo Contest 2017 Deadline mid May

Link to Photo Contest Details

Gel transfer assignment:  10 marks. You are to put together 2 photographs ( 2 or more layers) creating an artistic piece to transfer onto canvas. You will need to choose a canvas size, either 8"x 8" or 5"x7". I have gone over the instructions in class, please ask if you need help. I have also posted a link below that has the instructions so you could print out or review.

Photo Gel transfers

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Light Photography Assignment

Light Photography Assignment: 3 shots if you have done this assignment before, 6 shots if you have not. marks 15

If you have done this assignment in grade 10 then you only need 3 really cool light photos...please do not recycle old work. If this assignment is brand new to you, I would like you to try for 6 photos. These should be put into an album on Flickr entitled Light Photos. In this assignment, I am looking for you to experiment with manual settings and extended exposure times. Check out the link Low Light Settings below.

Check out the article and photos of this photographer's light photos.

Light photos #1

Hannu Huhtamo

Low light settings

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Conceptual Photo Assignment

Conceptual Photo Assignment:( 3 shots = 30 marks) In this assignment you are to take three photos that speak to an idea, an issue or evoke thought or conversation. The photos should be creative and somewhat original, although you can research what ideas others have tried. You may need to set up a shoot or possibly need to use Photoshop to fully develop your idea. Please post the assignment to Flickr and do not forget to put a write up in the description talking about the ideas you were hoping to get across in your photos.

Sample Conceptual Photography

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tues April 25

Good morning all. I was going to give you a written assignment, but since we have all had too much indoor time due to the rain, and it is sunny outside, and I think spring is finally here. I am giving you a new photo assignment.

Spring shot Assignment: (marks 10, shots 5) Go outside into the fresh air and find evidence of spring. Translate this into a photo. Vary your shots, and remember about shooting angles and elements of how to compose a good photo. I want these shots to have an artsy feel to them even if you have a few that have people in them. ( marks 10)

This assignment is for all grade 11/12 students.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ms Chase is away Mon. and Tues

Miscellaneous Info: Due to me being away for Mon. and Tues. the video assignment presentation date has been extended to Thurs. in class. I will be in on Wed. to troubleshoot any problems or concerns. On Tues. you will have a small written assignment, so if you are away make sure you check the blog.Your slideshow should be saved as a movie file on the m:drive under the file chase 2017 and then under Beauty in a second.

What to work on today?

Continue work on your video.

Portrait Assignment: (marks 30) If you are doing a location shoot this may not be possible. So maybe you can research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot,you can edit. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skatepark, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields. ) See details for this assignment below.

Magazine Cover Assignment: (marks 20) If you have already done this assignment in grade 11 last year then you should choose a cd cover. Or if you would prefer to do a cd cover then go ahead. The magazine cover requires you to take a vertical photo that is at a very high quality, and using photoshop you are to create the cover of a magazine. You should include: a bar code, the title of the magazine in the proper font, article titles etc. I should be able to look at the cover of your magazine and think it is a real magazine. 20 marks You should print out and also add to Flickr.
CD cover: The idea of this assignment is to duplicate an actual CD cover as close as possible using your own model and Photoshop skills. See example below. The real cover is on the left. Strangely, the boy on the right looks a lot like the actual recording artist.

Conceptual Photography: Begin doing some research on conceptual photography. This assignment will be introduced in detail tomorrow along with a small written assignment. Stay posted.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Term 2

This is your first assignment of Term #2

Portraits:Working with a model or models of your choice, you should plan to set up a portrait shoot. You can have 20 shots of one model, or 10 male and 10 female shots. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to : a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model.

This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Flickr, and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow for viewing. Due date TBA

  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop
  • shoot people in their element
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot

Portrait tips

more tips #2


This is a great example of  a portrait, I love the angle it was shot from.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Links to Beauty videos

Beauty #1
Beauty #2
Beauty #3
Beauty # 4

Tips for how to shoot great video with a DSLR

VIDEO ASSIGNMENT DUE Tues APRIL 25 to be presented in class

Assignment#7: "Beauty in a Second" video project  Please see sample assignment links to get an idea as to how this assignment should look. Essentially, you are to go out and shoot 60 1 second video clips (you may need shots to be up to 6 seconds to capture the video fully to allow for editing) and then compile to the specified piece of music in a movie program. The music is the same for all slideshows, however you can choose to not use the music that goes with the video. When watching the sample videos, music can be downloaded through iTunes mp3 convertor or bought from i-tunes. Marks 40

 Please note: when shooting video, you still want your shots to be up close, shot using various angles, and capturing a feeling or essence of the beautiful moments in life. 
Make sure you DO NOT shoot vertical only horizontal.

Tips for shooting great video

Thursday, March 9, 2017

What you could be shooting over the March Break

Portraits: 20 shots of the same model or 10 girl portraits and 10 guy portraits.

Choice video: Your choice video: Music video, PSA, poem set to video, one minute minimum.

Shoot for a magazine cover.
Conceptual shots : 3 shots required

Thursday, March 2, 2017



Assignment #6 : Student Macro/Close-up

Toward a definition of true macro photography. See link below.

Definition of Macro Photography

Assignment #6 Macro Photos and Slideshow: You are not expected to take true macros, however you do need to meet the following criteria.

Criteria for Macros: "A close up shot of an object." You must have a focal point, your photos must be in focus, have a clean background, use light appropriately and photos must be taken of interesting subject matter. You need to think about how you want to compose the shot.

12's : 10 shots plus your theme shoot
11's:  20 shots
First time in Photo: 15 shots
* 2 photos taken with the macro lens

To be marked out of 30, 20 marks for shots, 10 marks for slideshow. 
Assignment is due March 30.

All shots should be edited and  put into a slideshow set to music as well as put into an album on Flickr.
Camera phones can be used and will likely take good close-up photos, but make sure your subject matter is in focus. I would like everyone to have at least 2 photos taken using the macro lens.

Check out the following links on how to shoot good macros.

macro tips #1
macros for beginners

how to take macros on a Samsung Galaxy
how to take close-ups on the I-phone

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Product Shoot

Assignment #5: Look up magazine ads in magazines. You  are to find a product that someone would want to purchase. You will then shoot the product 10 different ways. ( Close-up, being used, staged with specialized background etc.) POST ALL 10 photos to Flickr and include your ad as well.
you will choose the best photo for your ad and create the ad including a tag line. The ad work is to be done on Photoshop. 20 marks

print ads link

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wed Feb 8

Ms Chase is away today. As a class, go over the link on composition.

LINK:More on Composition

Review Assignments 1,2,3. ( see post below) Make sure snow shots are artistic and are landscape or macro....I will accept one or two shots with people as the main focal point but focus on the artistic quality of the shot.

At this level, it is assumed that all shots are clearly focused, not pixilated, and follow rules of composition...this will be especially important if you are shooting using your camera phones. Make sure your camera settings are set to the highest quality and at the largest size, BUT NOT IN RAW.

Assignment #4: Shoot an object/subject from 4 different angles. Exaggerate the angles so as to change the effect of the photo. 5 marks Post to Flickr in an album.

LINK: How to shoot from different angles

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

First Assignments: Wed Feb1, 2017

  • EVERYONE NEEDS TO PURCHASE AN SD CARD ( 16 GB) FOR MON. You should put your name and phone # on it in case you lose it.
Students new to Photography should spend some time perusing the basics of Photography site.
( link below)
  • Everyone should create a Flickr account and make me a contact. You should have a buddy icon, check and be aware of your privacy settings. Join the Isfeld Photo group. Create a folder on the m drive under your name. Do not start saving photos and videos on the L drive PLEASE CREATE A FOLDER ON THE M DRIVE

  • Assignment #1: Take two headshots ( indoor or outdoor) of two different people and have them take one of you for your Flickr. Edit shots: cropping/lighting only.  5 marks
TIP : A head shot should be up close (head and shoulders) and should be a flattering shot of the individual
  • Assignment #2: Take 3 self portraits that focus on who you are. At least one of the photos should be somewhat conceptual/artistic 15 marks
Basics of Photography
  • Assignment #3: You are to take 5 artistic snow shots (get them now before the snow is gone) Edit and put into an albulm on Flickr. 10 marks