Thursday, September 7, 2017

Welcome back Isfeld Photographers

This year in Photography we will be doing a number of different projects to further expand your skillset. If you have you own camera, it would be a great advantage to bring it to class when you can. if you need to borrow the school's cameras, then you must sign them out with me. The cameras must be returned the very next day since other students will need to use them during the day. The only requirement for the course is an sd card, but a card reader would also be very helpful.

Day #1 Introduction: Students set up a Flickr account and created a folder on the m drive to hold their photos for the year.

Day #2 A review of camera basics, elements of composition, and a good looking headshot for Flickr.

Assignment #1: After understanding the Elements of Composition, you are to shoot two photos for each of the following and upload to Flickr into an albulm entitled: Assignment #1. You should also complete a slideshow set to music for presentation.
Assignment value: 20 marks Slideshow: 10 marks
Criteria: assignment meets the outline, is well composed, crisp, and creative. The work should have basic editing only, cropping and lighting. You will have about a week to complete this assignment.


  • 2 black and white
  • 2 high angle shots
  • 2 reflection shots
  • 2 fill the frame
  • 2 choice creatives

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