Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 An overview of Photography styles.


Omar Robles on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Kristina Makeeva on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Bella Kotak on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Karen Hutton on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Elena Shumilova on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Lizzy Gadd on You Tube Smug Mug Films


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Watch short video as a class on big screen.

Photo Assignment to be handed in for marking. (5 MARKS)

What Makes Kristina Makeeva's photos inspiring? As a photographer what does she do well? Give an examples to back up your ideas.
What piece of work this year are you most proud of or think you did your best work on? Explain what you thought was done well in this assignment..
In the real world..., list 3 ways your photographic skills might be become part of your life.