To work on this week
- 5 candy macros. 5 object macros: 20 mks
- 5 lego shots: 10 marks
- 10 portrait shots: 20 marks
- Beauty in a minute video:40-60 sec: 35 marks. 40 one second clips of slice of life moments clipped together in a video...make sure your video has a beg/middle/end and the music works with your clips DUE:
- Photo recreation: 10 marks
- Macro shots: The macro shots are not traditional macros but rather close-ups. I want you to try to look at ordinary everyday objects in an extraordinary way. Play with camera angles, be very aware of your backgrounds. This might be a good time to try using manual focus on your camera slowing down the process of taking pictures just a little. Take an object, compose the shot, make sure you bring in lots of light or use the light tent, edit and put into a folder on your m drive.
Lego Photos: link Lego Photography
Photo Re-creation: You are to find an old photo of yourself between the ages of 3-7 years of age. You are then going to take a photo of the photo on your phone. Next you are to recreate the photo to the best of your ability. I am looking for a solid rendition. You may have to get someone to help with taking the photo if you are in the photo.