Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Term #2 Assignments Continued

1. Music Video: 50 marks, due the beginning of the last week of semester, to be presented in class see detailed criteria below.
2. Portraits: 30 marks, first week of Dec in a slideshow to music. To be presented in class, and put onto  Flickr in an album.
3. Overlays: 1 in Pixlr, 1 in Photoshop ( 2 pics in each overlay preferably your own photos) The first two overlays should be on Flickr 20 marks. The third overlay is 3-4 layers and needs to be sized to fit on a canvas board 9x12...this is the one you will be producing a gel transfer of. You will also require an overlay for the tile transfer, you can choose any photo and layer it and resize.
Canvas 20 marks, Tile 10 marks
4. Magazine/cd cover: You can choose one or the other...or impress me and do both. See Links to examples of this assignment. 20 marks

5. Yearbook photos: Each of you will be shooting a minimum 5 photos which should be edited for the Yearbook. Please make sure you sign up with Ms Chase. These photos will be handed in to Ms. Chase and put onto the yearbook drive. 10 marks
6. Conceptual/Creative Photos: 3 photos…speak to Ms Chase about your ideas. I am going to leave this assignment wide open. Choose something you are passionate about. To be uploaded on to
Flickr 30 marks. 

Sample photo by Savannah Bosveld

7. Downtown shoot, (field trip) Photos on Flickr in an album,
20 marks

If students are not using time productively or the teacher determines a need, there may be more assignments added.



You Belong to Me Music Video
Coldplay The Scientist
Simple yet it works

Music Video Assignment
Song Length: 2 minutes minimum
Number of Photos: 60 shots minimum
In this assignment you are to create your version of a music video except you will use still photographs, video or both. You should choose your song first, then decide on the type of of photos/video you want to shoot. You will be expected to create rough notes and a story board of your shots needed. This rough copy/storyboard of shots will be handed in for 10 marks. (term #1 mark)
ALL PHOTOS SHOULD BE TAKEN BY YOU, if you need to be in a shot, you need to be the one to set up the shot…and in this case it is OK for you to be in the shot.

Criteria for Marking
  • This assignment must be in a format in which you can present to the class. As a group we will be spending time critiquing this work.
  • You may use any movie program you like, but please make sure it can be presented to the class, ( I can help with changing/reformatting video files) speak to me first if you are unsure.
  • photos/and or video are in focus and you use effective composition, high quality photography and a variety of different shots... meaning close up, different angles and landscape shots.
  • photos connect thematically with the music/theme of the song, various angles and techniques are used to communicate ideas       
  • slideshow/video is put together thoughtfully and sequenced effectively, thought is given to: order, timing and transition of shots. ( This means basic choreography of the video)
  • evidence of creative thought processes: use of metaphor, story, light, thematic concept will be considered when grading the assignment
  • there should be evidence of time and effort spent on this project, show me the WOW factor
  • marks will be deducted for late work, part of the assignment expectation is to work within a time frame and be able to meet a deadline. Do not leave this assignment to the last minute editing takes time!

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