Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Oct. 2 Current Assignment Update

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The following is an update of all assignments to date with criteria. I will also post up a few of the upcoming assignments.

Assignment #1: Poses : 5 girl poses and 5guy poses, also include 2 poses done right and 2 examples of how you could do it better. ( Essentially a before and after shot) When you post these to Flickr, comment in the description what you did in the second shot to make it better. All of these can be saved under an album, POSES.

Criteria for this assignment: Photos should be in focus, using elements of composition, non-distracting backgrounds, a flattering shot of the individual and a few of the shots should be full body…not all head shots. (marks 20) DUE - marking this weekend.

Assignment #2: PART A: Product shots:10 shots. You are to choose a product to shoot and you are to take 10 different shots of your product. Try to mix it up a little…take shots of people using your product, take inside shots on clean backgrounds, take you product outside to shoot…lots of experimentation. Upload all 10 shots to Flickr under album, PRODUCT SHOOT.
Magazine ad PART B: After you have completed the 10 shots , you are to choose the best 1 or 2 shots and create a magazine ad which will be saved on MS Chase's jump drive and saved to Flickr under the product shoot album.

Criteria for this assignment: PART A: Photos should show experimentation, varied background and evidence of trying to showcase the product at its best. Not all shots have to be perfect, since I am marking your process in this assignment.  ( marks 10) PART B: Product should be the focus of the ad, shot is clear, lighting effects work, logo or slogan is included in the ad, and most importantly looks professional…like an ad I would see in a magazine. ( marks 20)

Assignment #3: Backgrounds: In this assignment you are shooting to create interesting and varied background for post production work. We will be utilizing these backgrounds for overlays or layering work in Photoshop at a later date. Post onto Flickr in alblum entitled BACKGROUNDS (10 shots minimum)

Criteria for this assignment: Try to take a variety of shots, include some textures , shoot face on or straight on…avoid shooting on an angle and taking photos of pre-existing art…make your own art!Try not to have too much going on in the backgrounds, less is more. (marks 10)

Assignment #4: Macros: PART A: In this assignment, you will be shooting 20 macro ( or up close) shots. 10 will be in black and white and 10 will be in colour. I would like to see a variety of shots and not too many flower shots…please do not recycle any old photos from other years or past assignments. Make sure your black and white shots show lots of contrast. You may use Ms Chase's macro lens but a good lens does not necessarily make a great photo. Think about your subject matter, getting new and interesting shots, think about your lighting and experiment!
PART A 20 photos uploaded to Flickr in an album entitled MACROS, PART B You will take these 20 shots and put into a slideshow set to music which will be presented in class. Due date TBA

Criteria for this assignment: Photos should be composed well, be in focus, have a clean background. I am looking for wow photos…ones that are more than good, but rather, spectacular and breathtaking!
(PART A 20 shots=20 marks) (PART B Slideshow 40 marks presented in class)

Assignment #5: 5 fall shots…open to interpretation. Make sure you meet Elements of Composition criteria ( marks 10)

Work habits: In addition to assignment marks, a mark out of 10 will be assigned by the teacher based on : time on task, use of class time, striving to perform your best work, experimentation, and asking for feedback on your work.

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