Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Term 4 Assignments

Term 4 Assignments

Choose only ONE of the following assignments for 20 marks Due: Friday May 1

1. Theme Shoot: For this assignment, you can take photos of whatever you want but you need to connect them by a theme. Make sure you describe your theme in a few lines under the description of the first photo. Themes can be general or specific, try to be a little creative. Nature is a theme, but not very specific. Examples of a theme could be concepts like love, isolation, my generation, stillness or joy. Or a theme could be more concrete like: black and white, bubbles, music, shadows, cars, coca cola, portraits, boats or the seashore. All shots should be in an album on Flickr.
20 photos= 20 marks
2. Photo Walk: Go for a walk in your neighbourhood with your camera and really look at what is around you. Take photos focusing on angles and lighting. Take photos of the same subject from different perspectives. Take lots of photos, more than you need. Edit and post your best 20 photos to Flickr in an album.
Criteria: I will be looking for photos that are creative, taken from different angles, different from each other, in focus and well composed. 20 photos = 20 marks

Choose only ONE of the following assignments for 30 marks Due: Friday May 15
Make sure you DO NOT shoot vertical only horizontal.

1. "Beauty in a Second" video project  Please see sample assignment links to get an idea as to how this assignment should look. Essentially, you are to go out and shoot 40-60 1 second video clips (you may need shots to be up to 6 seconds to capture the video fully to allow for editing) and then compile to the specified piece of music in a movie program. You can choose whatever music you would like for the video. 

2. Choice Video: Choose to create any video of your choice 40-60 sec. long. It could be a spoken word poem with visuals, a music video, a how to video, a cooking demo, a video of your dog, or a compilation of a day in isolation. Keep it simple and clip your shots together using a video app. You might want to try speeding up or slowing down the footage, just for fun.

Criteria: When shooting video, you still want your shots to be from various angles, make sure they are in focus and the camera is not bouncing around. And the video should stay focused on what you are trying to communicate.
Check out:
Peter McKinnon's 5 ways to make better video: Video on making better videos

Link to VIDEO EDITORS:Video Editing Apps

If you are struggling with ideas to film or how to go about doing this video please email me to discuss.

Send me a link to your video on You Tube or Vimeo or send your video through WE transfer which is free.

1 comment:

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