General Classroom Routine: Lesson or Review, Take Photos, Upload, Edit, Organize,Teacher Viewing, Mark work. Assignment Complete, Move On to Next Assignment.
Assignment #1:
- Take a photo of an object or subject from 5 different perspectives, label: perspective 1,2,3,4,5
- Take a photo of a new subject or object from a distance and up close, label: close, distance
- Take a close up of a face, then half of the face, then change one into black and white label: face 1, 2,3
- Find something of interest and shoot to tell a story, label story1
LINK: perspective
Criteria: take focused, well composed shots, subject or object is well chosen, be conscious of lighting. Sometimes you will nedd to take many shots to get the right one. Do not delete any photos unless the are unclear. Marks 20
Assignment #2:
In a group of 3, take photos of the flamingo and duck or them together in 5 locations in the school. Get creative and have fun with this assignment. Again, you might need to take many shots to get 5 good ones. Put in a folder called: duckandflamingo
Criteria: Focus on clear, creative shots that tell a story. Marks 10
Using your phones, upload these photos into your folder on the m drive.
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