Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tues Nov. 17

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see 

without a camera.”― Dorothea Lange

New to Photography check out this link for a review of the basics: The BASICS

 1. Review of Flickr: buddy icon, background photo, name so i know it is you, contacts, albums

 2. Creation of folder on l drive, uploading of photos, intro to Photoshop ( crop/lighting)

 3. Photo class guidelines: no photos of art, no sharing of photos, photos of self can use a remote or set the shot up, all shots must be in focus unless creating an effect, focus on the assignments given first, do not delete in camera, appropriate use of the camera and equipment, appropriate photo taking and boundaries, leave the room as it was, lights off, do not use teachers desk and chair

4. Time to print out and prepare for brief presentation.

5. Presentations

6. Break 5 min

7. 10 questions to ask yourself when taking a photo

8. Review of Composition: Peter McKinnon

8. Some examples of Elements of Composition: Rule of thirds, rule of odds, fill the frame, leading lines, framing, using triangles in composition, texture, symmetry, simplicity, empty space. Time to go out and shoot 5 composition photos.

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