Monday, June 19, 2017

All term 4 work is due Friday June 23

The following assignments are due the end of the week Friday June 23 1 pm, unless they are put onto Flickr. If putting onto Flickr you have until Sun noon.

  • 60 second of Beauty video 40 marks
  • Spring shots ( on Flickr) 5 shots, 10 marks
  • Portraits ( on Flickr if you did not do the slideshow) 30 marks
  • Gel transfer ( hand in ) 10 marks
  • Magazine cover ( hand in and on Flickr) 15 marks
  • Light Photos ( On Flickr 3 shots if you have been in Photo before/6 shots if you are new to photo 15 marks
  • Downtown Shoot ( on Flickr if you did not complete the slideshow) 20 marks...5 for on time slideshow)
  • Conceptual Photos: 3 photos with a description of what concept you are trying to communicate. Write this in the description when you upload your photos 30 marks
  • Work Habit mark 10 marks
Total 180 marks
Your term 3 mark will be averaged with your term 4 mark to give you your Final grade in this class.