Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Friday Dec 2


    Your Priorities should be:
  • Portraits/Slideshow: this can be emailed too me through WE transfer
  • https://wetransfer.com/
  • 9 shots outline/storyboard and shooting of 9 shots
  • Overlay: get creative, if you have done this assignment before push yourself to create something better
  • Beauty in a Minute Video ( 50 1-3 sec shots) 
  • Light Photos ( 10 photos edited) USE A TRIPOD and do not forget to focus manually before you shut the lights off. Lights are in my bottom drawern

LIGHT PHOTOS ASSIGNMENT: You are to take 10 light photos experimenting with manual settings (slow shutter speed). I would like you to try to use photoshop to edit and maybe combine a few photos together. This assignment focuses on creativity in creating and editing. Marks 20 

 Here are some helpful bits of information to help you with Light Photography. 

SETTINGS: Make sure camera and lens are on manual. Move settings to the following:
SHUTTER SPEED:10 sec- 30 sec

Light sources: flashlights, phone lights, finger lights, sparklers, sparkle/fairy lights.

I love this guy's tutorials on You Tube he is very knowledgeable and easy to understand. He has a number of creative tutorials, you should check him out.

light painting sample

video on how to do ball of light ( will show in class on Friday)
This guy provides really great/easy to follow videos on trick photography

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Photo Assignment

Watch short video as a class on big screen.

Photo Assignment to be handed in for marking. (5 MARKS)

What Makes Kristina Makeeva's photos inspiring? As a photographer what does she do well? Give an examples to back up your ideas.
What piece of work this year are you most proud of or think you did your best work on? Explain what you thought was done well in this assignment..
In the real world..., list 3 ways your photographic skills might be become part of your life. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

New Assignment: 10 marks

 Written Portrait Photographer Assignment

In preparation for doing portraits, I would like you to do some research on Portrait photographers. See  sample links below or find your own photographer.. Copy 4 portraits from your chosen photographer into a word document and explain what you like about the photographer's style.

Sample photographers to check out or choose your own

Von Wong Vancouver photographer

Michael Lee Photography

annie leibovitz

Famous fashion photographers

Amy Shaw Comox Valley photographer

Abstract portraits : Might be fun to throw in a couple of crazy portraits like these.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wed Nov 10

 Just for fun, an epic TV commercial an ex student  is in. 

1. Short video on Story in 9 shots assignment. How to storyboard.

Assignments to be working on in Term 2

  • Story in 9 shots (30 marks)
  • Beauty in a Minute ( 50 1 sec shots worth 50 marks)
  • Tentative Due date for having 35 shots done ( first week of Dec. 10 marks)  
  • Portraits ( 20 shots one model, in various environments/different days. To be put into a slideshow for viewing marks 30 )
  • Overlay or Double Exposure ( 20 marks)

Monday, November 8, 2021

Mon Nov 8

 NEW Assignment: "9 Shots Which tell a Story" 30 marks


  • Shots are well thought through,
  • The photos have a beginning, middle  and end if the story is plot based
  • shots are taken from different perspectives and vary ( close up, med shot, distance shot)
  • all shots are clearly focused, and well taken
  • students produce a rough storyboard of the sequencing of shots

Link to How to tell a story in Photos: Storytelling through Photos


Elephant story through photos

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Wrapping up the term

  • Lego shots
  • Candy shots
  • Pull focus
  • Video Questions on street photography 
New Assignment
  • Portraits: 20 shots
  • Telling a Story in 9 shots
  • Overlay/Double Exposure

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thurs. Oct. 28

Self Portraits  Lizzy Gadd


                                                                    Male portrait posing


Working with a model of your choice, you should plan to set up a portrait shoot. You will need 20 different shots of one model. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model.

This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Mdrive and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow, set to music for viewing. If you do not meet the deadline for the slideshow, you will receive a zero for the presentation portion of the assignment.


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
  • shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.

So maybe you can research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in the art room ) 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tues. Oct 26

Some of you have a lucky break since I am unexpectedly away today. We will watch the Black and White Slideshows on Wed.

Please watch the video and answer the following questions that go with the video. When finished hand in to the teacher.

1. Define street photography.

2. Why does Alan Schaller enjoy street photography?

3.According to Schaller what makes street photography exciting?

Continue with the following:

  • any old work not completed
  • slideshow if not finished
  • pull/focus video shots assignment (10 marks)
  • halloween and lego shoot (10 marks for each shoot)bang of candy in bottom right drawer
  • portraits( 20 marks)
  • Beauty in a minute video
Make sure room is cleaned up and cameras are put away.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Photo Assignment and Contest.

NEW: done in class PULL FOCUS and 3 beg mid and end shot ideas handed in to Ms Chase

Black and White Slideshows: Due Tues Oct. 26 in class

 Halloween Candy Assign. ( Fri. Oct 29)

You are to take 5 shots of Halloween candy, vary the shots, try to make them different. The top 5 best shots in each class will win a prize. Marks 10 Criteria: in focus, up close, creative composition, variety of different shots. Please put in folder on M DRIVE. ( 10 marks)

Lego Photo Assign (Fri. Oct 29)

You are to take 5 shots of Lego pieces or Lego people or create a scene, vary the shots, try to make them different. The top 5 best shots in each class will win a prize. Marks 10 Criteria: in focus, up close, creative composition, variety of different shots. Please put in folder on M DRIVE. (10 marks)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Portrait Assignment NEW


Working with a model of your choice, you should plan to set up a portrait shoot. You will need 20 different shots of one model. Plan to shoot a variety of different shots including but not limited to: a couple of head shots, several full body shots, creative shots using the lcd projector/costumes/props etc. Study other portrait photographer's work and learn how to effectively pose your model.

This assignment is worth 30 marks. 20 marks for your portraits posted to Mdrive and 10 marks for your portraits put into a slideshow, set to music for viewing. If you do not meet the deadline for the slideshow, you will receive a zero for the presentation portion of the assignment.


  • plan your shots/shoot
  • be aware of where the light is ( best times to shoot dawn and dusk)
  • choose a good background
  • use a prop ( umbrella, hat, scarf, pumpkin etc)
  • shoot people in their element ( skateboarder with a skateboard at the skatepark)
  • create a rapport with your model and direct the shoot, which means tell the model what you want them to do.

So maybe you can research posing and plan your model and location. If you have done your shoot, you should spend some good quality time editing. If you are doing your portraits at school, find someone to photograph and get busy. There are lots of places to shoot around the school. ( skate park, woods, garage door near the soccer clubhouse, metal storage containers on the soccer fields, Ms Chase's white wall in the art room ) 

Video: How to take good portraits

Portraits in the sun

McKinnon Photography Portraits

video link on guy poses

Monday, October 4, 2021

Update of Assignments

 The following assignments are due this Friday no exceptions.

1. 5 Visually Pleasing Photos: 10 marks

2. Magazine Cover (in folder on Mdrive) 20 marks

3. Selfie shot ( in folder on Mdrive) 10 marks

Still working on:

4. Product shoot 10 photos of product/2 ads ( on MDrive) 20 marks DUE: Fri Oct 15

5. Black and White Slideshow: 20 shots set to music 30 marks, 20 for slideshow, 10 for presentation on day it is due. ( On MDrive) DUE TUES OCT 26 in class presentation

6. Video Beauty in a Minute: 60, 1 sec shots of beautiful or interesting moments, strung together in a full minute and set to music of your choice. (To be handed in and presented from the MDrive.

7. Portraits...Coming Soon 40 marks One model 20 shots in slideshow set to music.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Black and White Photography Assignment

           Product Photography Video

 NEW ASSIGNMENT: Black and White Photography 20 photos in a slideshow set to music

Focus of Black and White Photography is on CONTRAST

Black and White Photography

Black & White Images

Tips to improve black and white photography

Monday, September 20, 2021

Product Shoot Assignment

Product Shoot Assignment Outline

PART A: Product shots:10 shots. You are to choose a product to shoot and you are to take 10 different shots of your product. Try to mix it up a little…take shots of people using your product, take inside shots on clean backgrounds, take you product outside to shoot…lots of experimentation. Upload all 10 shots to Flickr under album, PRODUCT SHOOT.

Ad PART B: After you have completed the 10 shots , you are to choose the best 1 or 2 shots and create a magazine ad which will be saved on  Flickr under the product shoot album. Your 2 good ads should be titled FINAL ad #1 and FINAL ad #2.

Criteria for this assignment: PART A: Photos should show experimentation, varied background and evidence of trying to showcase the product at its best. Not all shots have to be perfect, since I am marking your process in this assignment.  ( marks 10) 

PART B: Product should be the focus of the ad, shot is clear, lighting effects work, logo or slogan is included in the ad, and most importantly looks professional…like an ad I would see in a magazine. ( marks 20)

Sample Product Ads:

Adam Meyer product shoot

Cassie Fisher product shoot

Ethan Woodland Product shoot

Product Shoot: Research or watch some you tube videos on how to style/shoot product photos. A lot of people shoot in their own home using a lamp or window for lighting. Backgrounds are table tops or white paper. WATCH VIDEO as a class.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Week Ending Friday Sept 17

Assignment due this weekend: Flickr set-up and 5 Visually Pleasing and well composed shots, in an album on Flickr.

Working on: 

  • Selfie shot which should showcase something about who you are
  • Magazine cover research and taking a good cover photo, getting started on the cover

Friday, September 10, 2021

Update for the week ending Sept 10

 “The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”

― Dorothea Lange

New to Photography check out this link for a review of the basics: The BASICS

 1. Review of Flickr: buddy icon, background photo, name so I know it is you, contacts, albums, join the Isfeld Group

 2. Creation of folder on l drive, m drive, intro to Photoshop ( crop/lighting) You can use you phone apps

3. Photo class guidelines: no photos of art, no sharing of photos, photos of self can use a remote or set the shot up, all shots must be in focus unless creating an effect, focus on the assignments given first, do not delete in camera, appropriate use of the camera and equipment, appropriate photo taking and boundaries, leave the room as it was, lights off, do not use teachers desk and chair

4. Hand in Assignment #1 Career assignment

5 REVIEW: 10 questions to ask yourself when taking a photo

8. Review of Composition: Peter McKinnon

8. Some examples of Elements of Composition: Rule of thirds, rule of odds, fill the frame, leading lines, framing, using triangles in composition, texture, symmetry, simplicity, empty space. 

Time to go out and shoot 5 composition photos on your phone and upload to Flickr.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Welcome to Photo 11/12


Photography is not about the camera but how you use the camera. You can have an expensive camera and still take bad pictures. The focus of this course is not on the many technical aspects of how to use a camera but rather on how to compose great shots and extending your knowledge into creating using photography as a medium. 

We will be learning how to use and expand the use of Photoshop and other editing programs to create advertising, a magazine cover, videos, and conceptual photographic art.

The visual world is becoming part of our everyday life. Most people on the internet are focused on photos and video to get across ideas. Logos and photos are an instant way for people to get an idea across. It is important for young people to be able to navigate the ever increasing world of visual literacy.

Requirements of this course:
  • a decent digital slr or camera phone for taking photos, school cameras will be allowed to go home with permission.
  • a usb drive and/or an extra phone cord for use at school for transferring photos 
  • a card reader/phone cable at school for transferring photos to the school computer
  • a 16 gb card that can be used for taking photos with the school camera
  • the ability to use some of your time to take photos outside of school 
  • a desire to learn and grow through digital media
  • ability to work with others and be a good model
  • time management skills

 This course is assessed based on student's ability to push boundaries, meet assignment deadlines and progress in their ability to become better photographers/videographers and visual artists. Students are expected to push themselves at the level they are at to improve and produce quality work. A high standard is expected, and poor quality work will not be accepted. You will be asked to Re-do an assignment if it does not meet expectations. 

Group brainstorm: How is Photography used today?

Your first Assignment: Photography as a career:

As photographers and videographers we are learning to embrace the technology for multiple uses in our world. I personally know of students who have graduated from my classes who are now sound technicians, models and actors, videographers, wedding photographers and some who work in niche photography areas as a part time business for themselves.
Think there are no jobs in Photography/Graphic Design and Film... Think again! 
ASSIGNMENT#1: In partners, your first assignment is to research and find a  Photography/Videography or Photo Editor job utilizing the skills we will be learning in this class and present it to the class. List the top 5 skills needed for this job.
10 marks handed in

Here is an example of a job CastleMountainChalets
The Resort Photographer / Videographer, part of Castle Mountain Resort’s sales and marketing team, works closely with several teammates, and reports directly to the Sales & Marketing Manager. This role is primarily responsible for the ascertaining and editing of photo and video-based content, including the development of weekly resort update video, which will be used by the resort through it’s various traditional and digital marketing avenues. 

Core Competencies:
  • Personal accountability
  • Personality, perseverance, patience, and dedication
  • Superb time management, planning, and organizational skills
  • Ability to adapt to changing / variable work conditions
  • Ability to be flexible to the needs of different resort departments
  • Organizational and Environmental Awareness
  • Results focused
  • Self-driven
  • Committed to continual learning and professional development
  • Exceptional problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically
  • Creative, artistic personality
Job Duties:
  • Deliver engaging content on a regular basis that inspires guest visits
  • Create digital assets including photographs, a weekly promotional / update video, as well as other short videos, consistent with the needs outlined in the resort’s content development plan
  • Liaise with guests to ensure photo / video release forms are signed
  • Edit photos / video in anticipation of online / print use
  • Be on hand to cover key resort events / activities
  • Assist in managing various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube) by way of engaging, informative, and timely content
  • Perform other duties as assigned
  • Completion of high school or equivalent with a preference given to candidates who have completed a post-secondary marketing or communications
  • Must supply and use own camera equipment (DSLR), and related accessories
  • Technical Skills: Using digital cameras and industry standard software such as Photoshop & Lightroom
  • Artistic Ability: be able to compose a shot, understand framing, color and light to create a visually pleasing photograph
  • The ability to work under pressure, effectively manage workload, and meet deadlines
  • The ability to work both independently and in teams, building rapport with guests, clients, colleagues, and resort partners
  • Strong intermediate or better skier or snowboarder
  • Fluency in English; other languages considered an asset
  • Positive and proactive approach to teamwork and working with others required
  • Ability to work unsupervised for long periods of time

Friday, January 22, 2021

1. Video on Annie Leibovitz

2. Go to You Tube and type in Jerry Business Smug Mug Film, watch film, then fill out film sheet.

After completing the film sheet, continue to work on assignments that need completing. Top priority is to complete the 30 photo slideshow and place it on the drive under chase2021 11/12 Final Slideshow. If the weather is nice, challenge yourself to get out and take a few new photos for your slideshow.

Final Slideshows are due Tues. Slideshows must be completed to pass this term since it is a collection of your best work. Failure to complete the slideshow effectively will result in an incomplete for the course.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Week Ending Jan 22

 Priority This Week

  • Final Video
  • Selfie Portraits (4)
  • Double Exposure
  • several small assignments( fog, christmas, etc)
  • light photography
If anyone wants to do black light photography let me know, I will set you up.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

A look at different types of Photography

Focus this week:
1. Final Slideshow ( 30 of your best photos due next Tues. to be presented) 30 mks
2. Creative Hacks (5 shots) 20 mks
3. Self Portraits including simplified double exposure, no erasing on background necessary
  ( 4 self portraits, 1 double exposure) 20 mks
4. Light Photos 10 shots: 20 mks
5. Replacing final evaluation is the Photographer's sheet 10 mks

An overview of Photography styles.


Omar Robles on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Kristina Makeeva on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Bella Kotak on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Karen Hutton on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Elena Shumilova on You Tube Smug Mug Films

Lizzy Gadd on You Tube Smug Mug Films


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Update of all assignments: Due Tues Jan 26

 Work that should already be done.

  • Abstracts (20 shots)
  • Portraits (15 shots)
  • Ad (10 shots plus 2 ads)
  • Blk and White Slideshow (20 shots)
  • Magazine Cover
  New work due Tues Jan 26
  • Creative Hack shots (5 shots)20 mks
  • Fog/Snow/Rain shots (5 shots)10 mks
  • Christmas shots (5 shots)10 mks
  • Light Photos (10 photos)20mks
  • Selfie Portraits (5 photos)10mks
  • one of the portraits is an overlay in photoshop (Double Exposure)10mks
  • Final Slideshow ( 30 shots) 5 new 30mks
  • Final: Photographer's sheet 10 mks
Sideshow Composition
  • 5 Blk and White
  • 3 selfie/2 headshots of other people
  • 5 portrait
  • 5 creative hack shots
  • 5 abstracts
  • 5 other

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Assignment

 Photographer: Fiona Lark ( stop at 13 min)


1. What does Sean Tucker think makes Fiona Lark's photographs compelling?

2. What does Tucker say about the technical aspects of photography?


New Assignment: You are to take 4 self portraits that focus on who you really are. You can choose any background, technique or editing style to capture your essence.
This assignment is also for grade 12's.

Welcome Back

1. To begin today's class, you are going to watch 31 minutes about Platon a well known portrait photographer. Please listen and watch carefully, since in the next couple of weeks we will be watching some short documentaries on photographers and you will have a one page assignment that will focus on what you have learned about a number of photographers and photography as an art form.

ONLY WATCH the first 31 minutes


When finished, ask the students to answer and hand in the following questions:

  • What makes Platon so good at his craft? 
  • How is Platon able to create such stunning portraits?
  • How has Platon extended his work on a global level?

2. Students can work on any assignments which need finishing up. This might also include, editing, organizing and uploading to Flickr. Give students who are taking photos only 40 minutes out of class. If taking cameras outside and it is raining the cameras need to have a plastic bag over them. Students can shoot in the art room across the hall.

    Christmas/Holiday: 5 shots

  • Magazine Cover: on Flickr and printed out
  • Fog/Rain/Snow shots, can be a combination of 5 shots
  • Creative Hack shots 5 shots
  • Christmas/Holiday: 5 shots
  • Light Photography:
  • What Camera Settings Are Best for Light Painting?
    1. Mode: Manual or bulb.
    2. Shutter speed: 8-15 sec seconds.
    3. F-stop or aperture: 8 
    4. ISO: 100.
  • You need to use a tripod when shooting light photography and be in a semi dark room