Thursday, March 16, 2023

Deadlines Before March Break

TERM 3 work
  • rule of thirds
  • Low angle 5
  • Scavenger Hunt 15
  • Selfie
  • Video clips 5
  • Macros Slideshow: (50 marks) Tues Mar. 21
  • Photo presentations Wed Mar 22/23
  • Test on Composition (15 marks)
  • Nature shots 5 ( 10 marks)
  • Product Photography/Ad assignment (20 marks) Due Thurs April 20
Looking Ahead: Term 4
  • 5 more video clips (10 marks) Final Video June
  • Magazine Cover ( 1 Photo photoshop)
  • Portraits (20 photos in slideshow)
  • Theme shoot: your choice (20 in slideshow) OR Black and White Photos
  • Light Photos: 10 + 5 black light photos OR 10 Experimental shots
  • Top 5 photos, best 2 sized and mounted onto black paper
  • Spring shots ( 5 photos)

Monday, March 13, 2023

Mon Mar 13

 NEW ASSIGNMENT : Product Shoot 20 marks

Product Shoot Assignment Outline

PART A: Product shots:10 shots. You are to choose a product to shoot and you are to take 10 different shots of your product. Try to mix it up a little…take shots of people using your product, take inside shots on clean backgrounds, take you product outside to shoot…lots of experimentation. Upload all 10 shots under the album, PRODUCT SHOOT.

Ad PART B: After you have completed the 10 shots , you are to choose the best  2 shots and create a magazine ad which will be saved  under the Product Shoot folder. Your 2 good ads should be titled FINAL ad #1 and FINAL ad #2.

Criteria for this assignment PART A: Photos should show experimentation, varied background and evidence of trying to showcase the product at its best. Not all shots have to be perfect or editied since I am marking your process in this assignment.  MARKS 10

PART B: Product should be the focus of the ad, shot is clear, lighting effects work, logo or slogan is included in the ad, and most importantly looks professional…like an ad I would see in a magazine. MARKS 20

Sample Product Ads:

Adam Meyer product shoot

Cassie Fisher product shoot

Ethan Woodland Product shoot

Peter McKinnon Product Shoot Video

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Thursday Mar 8

Today's Assignment: WARM-UP: after signing cameras out, go outside and get these shots. This should take you about 20 minutes at best.

Due in your folder on M Drive for Friday 10 marks. If not done in class get done for homework and have ready to hand in on Friday.

Call this folder nature shots

Photos: Ms Chase 2023

  • Glacier shot ( back of school, near woodshop/not good weather substitute a nature photo)
  • dried leaf shot
  • up close of a cone ( fir tree cone)
  • low angle shot at the base of a tree
  • your choice shot in nature ( EX. maybe a foot walking on a path, a tree stump, a dead weed, up close photo of fir needles etc)

Once finished, you can work on shooting macros, working on macro slideshow, deciding who you are going to work with and what topic you are choosing for your presentation. I will be needing to know your presentation topic for Friday.

PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who has not written the Composition Quiz tomorrow is your last chance. Either in class or in Flex with me in room 510.
Cameras can be signed out for taking video or photos at the beginning of Flex block on Friday.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Tues Mar 7


NEW ASSIGNMENT: Photo presentation 20 marks ( partners or on your own) presentation date week before March Break ( Wed. March 22 and/or 23, 24)

You are to research either a photo app, a photographer, or some other aspect of photography ( how to take good portraits, how to set up the camera for light photography, how to take good photos of dogs, how to pose for portraits, tips and tricks etc.) You are to create a 5 slide powerpoint presentation which will include the most important information. This will be delivered to the class. You should not read off the slides, but should really understand what you are presenting. Choose a topic you are interested in learning about.

Criteria: Slide #1 Introduction/photo, Slide 2,3,4, ( Info with graphics or photos) Slide #5 3 review questions/or a quiz for the class to see if they were paying attention to your presentation. In addition, you can show a video, do a demo or get the class physically involved in an activity

Macro Slideshow: Slideshows will be shown on Tues March 21 in class.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Mon Mar 6

NEW ASSIGNMENTS THIS WEEK: Macro Slideshow set to music: 50 marks total

Macro Assignment: 20 of your best up close shots ( include 5 from one subject)

Criteria: Shots should have a defined focal point and be edited effectively for lighting and cropping. Avoid straight texture shots. Also try to shoot a variety of different shots and maybe try phone lenses and the digital slr cameras. 

  • The photos should work with the music and be choreographed effectively.
  • 5 seconds for the first and last shot, your name on first slide
  • looking for clear well focused shots with a focal point
  • a variety of different shots
  • please include 5 macro shots on one subject EXAMPLE: car, toaster, computer, shoe, board game, kitchen appliance, motorcycle, bike etc.
  • slideshow to be place on Mdrive under the folder Macro Slideshow 

Put 20 macros into a slideshow, set to music to be viewed on Tues Mar 22

Macros Marks 40 plus 10 for slideshow. If slideshow is not ready for presenting on the day it is due, no marks will be given.

Camera Simulator:

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thurs Mar 2

5 Macro Photography Techniques
  1. Use flash. While decreasing your aperture will give you the depth of field you need to get your subject in focus, it will also allow less light into your camera. ... If using your phone, bring in extra lighting ( another phone, makep mirror light, lamp, external lights, use the light box
  2. Use manual focus. ... 
  3. Use a tripod, or set your phone up against something for stability
  4. clean up dust, hairs on subject because it will show up in the photo
  5. Take plenty of shots. ...
Best Macro Photography Settings 
  • Shutter speed: 1/125 – 1/500.
  • Aperture: f/8.0, f/11.0.
  • ISO: 400 or higher
  • Focal length: 50mm (in 35mm format)
  • Exposure mode: Manual, if automatic either shutter priority or aperture priority

Link to more info on Macro photos 

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wed Mar1

 Reminder of Criteria

  • shots are all in focus
  • well composed free of background clutter
  • edited for lighting and cropping
  • shots are not just DONE, but creatively done
  • NO photos of other art or photography
  • All shots are labeled by the content
Cameras/Cards should be signed out and returned at the end of class. Students should return 15 min before the end of class.

UPDATE: Assignments so far:

1. 5 low angle shots 10 marks

2. Scavenger Hunt (15 photos labeled) 20 marks

3. Selfie shot 1 shot 10 marks DUE THIS FRI

4. 5 video clips 10 marks

5. Composition Quiz 15 marks

6. Macros part #1:15 Macro/Up clase shots looking at objects from a different perspective. Camera phones with macro phone lenses should work well for this assignment.

Criteria: Shots should have a defined focal point and be edited effectively for lighting and cropping. Looking for clear, well focused shots.

7. Macros part #2: 5 macro shots on one subject EXAMPLE: car, toaster, computer, shoe, board game, kitchen appliance, motorcycle, bike etc.

8. Put 20 macros into a slideshow to be viewed on Friday Mar 17: 10 marks