Thursday, October 19, 2017

Assignment List Term 1

Deadline: This is an absolute deadline. All work needs to be up on Flickr and/or handed in no later than Thursday  November 9.

Grade 11

Assignment #1: Slideshow (Done/not done on due date) 10 marks
Assignment #1: (on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Written composition assignment (handed in to Ms Chase) 10 marks
Assignment #2: RED (5 shots in an album) 10 marks
Edit #1 : Headswap or overlay ( Hand in or put on Flickr in an album) 10 marks
Assignment #2: Slideshow (Done or not done on due date) 10 marks
Assignment #3: Portraits ( on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Contest photo  ( on m drive in folder) 5 marks
Ad shoot ( 10 shots on Flickr in album) 20 marks)
Final ad (printed out and given to Ms Chase
 and on Flickr in the same album as the shoot pics) 10 marks
Studio skills ( assignments in on time, productive use of class time, proper use of equipment/return of equipment/participation in class critiques and discussions,paying attention during lessons, overall effort and quality of work) 25 marks

Total marks 150

Any grade 11's working on getting the grade 12 credit, need to have the following additional assignments done.

Slideshow: (Done/not done on due date) 10 marks
Themeshoot: (on Flickr in an album) 20 marks
Website: ( bio, headshot and 2-3 collections of photos)
Edit #2: Using Photoshop, you are to create a conceptual piece of art from a photo you have taken...speak to Ms Chase about ideas for this edit. You should include at least 4-5 layers.

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